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Four Majors of Xi'an University of Science and Technology Passed China Engineering Education Accreditation
2020-11-16 14:51  

The Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education recently released a list of majors that passed the Engineering Education Accreditation in 2019. The four majors of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, namely safety engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, automation, electrical engineering and its automation passed the accreditation. The accreditation will be valid for six years. Among them, the two majors of automation and electrical engineering and its automation were the first time to pass the accreditation.Up to now, a total of 12 majors of our university have passed professional accreditation, ranking first among universities in Shaanxi Province.

The university has put the engineering education accreditation high on the agenda in recent years. Adhering to the principle of "full starting, classified promotion, prior investment and benefit from results", it steadily pushes forward with well established goals, plans, and measures, fully implement the engineering education concept of "student-centered, output-oriented and continuous improvement", give full play to the leading and exemplary role of accredited majors, strengthen the development of professional connotation, and promote the construction of "double first class".

XI'An UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Department of International Cooperation Exchanges.All rights reserved  Address:Xi'an Yanta Road No. 58