On October 28, China National Coal Association and China Coal Society released the announcement on Science and Technology Awards from China National Coal Association in 2019.A total of 21 projects were awarded in our school,including 3 first awards, 10 second awards and 8 third awards.
The following three projects won the first prize: the project "Linkage Evolution Mechanism and Key Technology of Mining and Depressurization of Gas Transport Channels and Reservoir Areas" presided over and completed by Professor Li Shugang, the project "Research on the Law of Surface Collapse and Prevention and Control Technology in Mining Shallow Coal Seams" presided over and completed by Professor Hou Enke, and the project "Theory, Technology and Equipment for Prevention and Control of Deep Compound Coal and Rock Dynamic Hazards" presided over and completed by Professor Xue Junhua.
It is reported that 304 awards have been awarded, including 1 special award, 37 first awards, 116 second awards and 150 third awards.