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The UniversityHeld a Mobilization Meeting for the Fifth China "Internet +" CollegeStudents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
2019-04-08 16:12  

Onthe afternoon of March 21, a mobilization meeting for the Fifth China"Internet+" College Students Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition of Xi'an University of Science and Technology was held in theSecond Meeting Room of Lishan campus of Lintong. Sun Yan (secretary general ofthe Investment Committee of China University Innovation and EntrepreneurshipEducation Alliance), Jiang Lin (president), Fan Jianwu (deputy secretary of theUniversity Party Committee) and Li Shugang (vice president) attended themeeting. The vice president, Wang Guirong, presided over the meeting.

Atthe meeting, Fan Jianwu read out the Commendation Notice for the Fourth China"Internet +" College Students Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition; the leaders awarded honor certificates to the representatives ofwinning students. A student representative Li Tao and a teacher representativeLiu Xiangrong respectively made speeches to share their ideas. Sun Yandelivered a report titled Policy Interpretation of the Fifth Competition andSuggestions on Improving the Quality of Participating Projects. The leadersof Dean's Office and Graduate School respectively arranged and deployed therelevant work of the competition.

JiangLin proposed that the first is to have a keen appreciation of importance ofChina's "Internet +" College Students Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition. This competition is the demonstration of innovation-drivendevelopment, an important channel for the transformation of scientific and technologicalachievements, a critical measure to promote education and teaching reform, anda bridge and link for full integration of enterprises, universities andresearch institutes. The second is to grasp the core requirements of thecompetition to create competitive participating projects. For the selection ofparticipating projects, we should set a right project direction, and thenselect the high-performance teams through competitive projects, especiallynational projects. Finally, we should strengthen the leadership and assessmentto guarantee that a new breakthrough will be made in the competition. Theleading unit shall provide various guidance and services for the participatingteams. All colleges should set up instructor teams in time and properly trainthe participating projects in the early stage to help students set up theinnovation and entrepreneurship teams. Encourage teachers and students toparticipate in the competition with various effective ways to ensure a newbreakthrough in the results of this year's competition.

JiangLin stressed that hosting the Fifth China"Internet +" CollegeStudents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shaanxi Division, isboth an opportunity and a challenge for our university. We will take the"Internet +" College Students Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition as an opportunity to deepen innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation, select a number of outstanding projects, train a group of innovativetalents, forge a group of entrepreneurial teams, and establish a new milestonein our school's innovation and entrepreneurship education. Relevant departmentsand units should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizationalleadership and do a good job in propaganda and promotion work. We should facechallenges, work hard and overcome difficulties and well define theresponsibility of related personnel to ensure that the hosting work can befully implemented and produce practical results.

Leadersof Dean's Office, Student Affairs Office, Youth League Committee, GraduateSchool, College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Science andTechnology Section, Laboratory and Equipment Management Office, DevelopmentCenter of Teachers and Teaching and External Liaison and Cooperation Section,secretaries in charge of the student work at each College (Department), deans(directors) in charge of undergraduate students teaching, deans (directors) incharge of graduate students teaching and the representatives of winninginstructors and students in the Fourth Competition of provincial level attendedthe meeting.


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